What We Do

What We Do

FRVS provides assistance to both primary victims (persons who have experienced direct injury, loss or trauma) and secondary victims (persons beyond the immediate victim to whom the repercussion of a crime/trauma may spread including friends, family and co-workers).

We provide the following services:

Crisis Response
FRVS provides 24 hour, 7 day per week, on call assistance to victims requiring immediate crisis intervention, emotional support and practical assistance. Program staff and volunteers are asked to provide immediate help and support by RCMP members and by the staff of other community agencies.

Program staff and advocates are trained in appropriate community resources for victims who require additional or complimentary services.

Program staff and advocates inform victims of their rights when dealing with the criminal justice system, keeping these individuals abreast of developments with criminal investigations and all court proceedings.

General Court Assistance
Program staff and volunteer victim advocates provide non-judgmental support and practical assistance to victims. This includes formalized court preparation sessions for crown witnesses, the accompaniment of victims to court, information on bail hearings, and assistance with the completion of victim impact statements, restitution claims and applications for financial benefits.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
FRVS coordinates and facilitates Critical Incident Stress Debriefings in the Foothills, to help decrease the impact that traumatic events can have on individuals and organizations.